

Can't you see that you stunt your growth when you plagiarise? general academic writing professional writing Feb 17, 2021

I must apologise if this post sounds like I'm scolding. I really want to see people do better.

I do not limit plagiarism to only academic work; it’s ...

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3 ways to make sure you are constantly making progress in your PhD general academic writing phd phd chronicles phd overwhelm professional writing Feb 11, 2021

Progress? Progress? Many people want to make progress in various areas of life. But progress is stalled when people put off what they can do today for...

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How to create an Amazing LinkedIn Profile cover letter cv general academic writing Jan 12, 2021
When was the Last time you updated your LinkedIn Profile? 
It is so easy to focus on your work and keep investing your time and energy into our job, ...
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How writers can Tackle Procrastination general academic writing grant writing professional writing Dec 20, 2020

Procrastination is one of the problems, writers face, in their writing career. It has the potential to derail your writing career. When you procrastin...

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How procrastination limits your writing Productivity. general academic writing phd professional writing Oct 14, 2020

 Procrastination is an act that can derail you from your career goals. For a writer, it is very easy to procrastinate writing an article since a writi...

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5 reasons your CV may not be making it to the desk of a potential employer cover letter cv general academic writing phd phd chronicles phd overwhelm professional writing Sep 22, 2020

Are you a Job seeker or are you seeking to change roles? Here are some reasons why your CV might not be getting to the desk of a potential employer. 

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