1. Profile Picture: You know when you look up a profile on any social media platform, the first part you look through is the profile picture and other photos. People connect better to visuals this is why you must use a great profile picture. A great profile picture also governs the impressions of people from the start. So how do you choose the right profile picture: Take a picture that looks like you, ensure you apply make-up on your face, wear what you would wear to work and smile with your eyes. Furthermore, the pictures should be at a close range, not a long-distance shot.
2. Background Photo: Your background photo should tell people about your personality, it also shows people what matters to you. It should engage the attention of people and it helps your page stand out, engage attention and stay memorable.
3. Your Headline should be more than just your Job Title: Your headline should not just be about your Job title, it should state what you do, why you do it( talk about what you love about your job)
For example:
Author\\ Coach- I help Organisations build a great work environment where people can explore their skills and maximise their potentials.
- Tell your Story with your Summary: Your Summary is your opportunity to tell your story, this is where you show your creativity. It is not just for you to list your skills and job titles. This is where you talk about how your skills have moved the organisation forward and how it has impacted the lives of people. This is your most personal piece, make it worth it. Let’s take a look at an example:
He is a Media and Journalism Fellow with the Charles Koch Institute. He holds a degree in Mass Communication from Coventry University, a certificate in Social Media Management for Modern Media from Yale University. “
- Stay clear off commonly used Words: These are words commonly used by people on LinkedIn, they include: specialised, leadership, focused, strategic, experienced, passionate, strategic, creative, innovative and certified. We are not saying you should not use these words but using these words so much on your profile will make it look cliche, search your dictionary for other creative words. Furthermore, you need to demonstrate how these words qualify your personality on Linkedln.
- List out your Relevant Skills and Highlight your Services: This is one of the best ways to showcase your talents and skills. Make a list of relevant skills to your career, ensure these skills are core to your field. Furthermore, highlight the services you offer, this is good for consultants, freelancers and small business owners to showcase their range of services. Finally, it boosts your profile.
- Grow your network: One of the best ways to network and establishing relationships is by connecting with people in your industries and decision-makers. Also, engage in conversation threads on Linkedln, stay off the political conversations and arguments that could defame your personality.
Good luck